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There is more to Information Security than just IT

  Lessons learnt from working remotely   Conducting projects in 2020 was a real challenge and is set to continue in 2021. Delivering projects from the confines of the home environment provided new ways to ensure project success, many myths of remote working have been debunked during the pandemic. One involved productivity, it was proven that people have been more productive while working remotely that when working within the office environment. #projectmanagement #projectdelivery #pmi #pmo #workingremotely #workingremotelymeaning #workingremotelyjobs #workingremotelyfromhome

The Empathetic Project Manager

Are you a project manager who understands your customer, sponsor or stakeholder? Who takes an empathetic approach to their requirements? Understand the effect of the planned change on the organisation and its people. Project Management deals with change that is the outcome of working on the project in the first place. Is it the role of the Project Manager to feel for the people the change is affecting? Understanding the human element of a project is an essential aspect of a quality project manager. The power of empathy enables a person to be of greater service to sponsors, clients, peers, superiors and subordinates.  As project management is about serving the needs of stakeholders and satisfying their expectations, empathy is a critical success factor. This is a lesson learnt over many years as a project manager, because People can often forget what has been said and done to them, depending on the enormity of the issue, but they will never forget how they have been made to f